Portus Limen Publications


  1. Aranda Jiménez, G., García Sanjuán, L., Mora Molina, C., Moreno Escobar, M. C., Riquelme Cantal, J. A., Robles Carrasco, S. & Vázquez Paz, J. 2015. Evidencias de Asentamiento y Prácticas Funerarias en los Dólmenes de Menga y Viera en la Antigüedad: la Intervención de 1988. Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía, 6, Pp. 253-289. ISSN 2172-6175 https://dialnet.unirioja.es/ejemplar/421458
  2. Arnaud, P. Cities and Maritime Trade under the Roman Empire. In Schäfer C. (Ed.), Connecting the Ancient World – Mediterranean Shipping, Maritime Networks and their Impact, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Pharos – Studien zur griechisch-römischen Antike Band 35. Pp. 117-174
  3. Arnaud, P. 2013. L’Apport de l’Archéologie Subaquatique à l’Histoire Maritime de l’Antiquité : Limites Actuelles et Enjeux Futurs, in Cerino, C., L’Hour, M., Rieth, E. (eds), Archéologie Sous-marine : Pratiques, Patrimoine, Médiation, Rennes, Pp.193-202 ISBN : 978-2-7535-2765-2
  4. Arnaud, P. 2014. Ancient Mariners between Experience and Common Sense Geography ” in Geus, and Thiering, M. (eds.), Features of Common Sense Geography: Implicit Knowledge Structures in Ancient Geographical Texts
    Volume 16 of Antike Kultur und Geschichte Münster: LIT Verlag pp39-68 ISBN978-3-643-90528-4
  5. Arnaud, P. Eléments et Perspectives pour une Histoire Maritime de la Corse Antique, Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Historiques et Naturelles de la Corse, 746-747, 2014, 111-134.
  6. Arnaud, P. Maritime Infrastructure Between Public and Private Initiative, in Kolb, A. (ed.) Infrastruktur und Herrschaftsorganisation im Imperium Romanum: Herrschaftsstrukturen und Herrschaftspraxis III. Akten der Tagung in Zürich 19.–20. 10. 2012, Munchen, de Gruyter, 2014, p. 161-179 DOI (Book): 10.1524/9783050094694, ISBN (Online): 9783050094694
  7. Arnaud, P. Marseille Grecque et les Routes du Commerce Maritime, in Bouffier S. and Garcia D. (eds), Les Territoires de Marseille Antique, Arles, Errance-Actes Sud, September 2014, 185-213. (being translated in English, English Edition in Brill’s). ISBN 978-2-87772-570-5
  8. Arnaud, P. La batellerie de fret nilotique d’après la documentation papyrologique (300 avant J.-C – 400 après J.-C.), in Pomey P. (ed.), La Batellerie Egyptienne: Archéologie, Histoire, Ethnographie. Études: Alexandrines34, Centre d’Études Alexandrines, Alexandria. p. 99-150. ISBN 978-2-11-129854-5, ISSN 1110-6441 2015
  9. Arnaud, P. The Interplay between Practitioners and Decision-Makers for the Selection, Organisation, Utilisation and Maintenance of Ports in the Roman Empire, in Preiser-Kapeller, J. and Daim, F. (eds.), Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems. Mainz: Römisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum, p. 61-82. ISBN 978-3-88467-248-8 ISSN 1862-4812
  10. Ben Jerbania, I., Fentress, E., Ghozzi, F., Wilson, A. I., Carpentiero, G., Dhibi, C., Dufton, J. A., Hay, S., Jendoubi, K., Mariotti, E., Morley, G., Oueslati, T., Sheldrick, N., and Zocchi, A. 2015. Excavations at Utica by the TunisianBritish Utica Project 2014. http://utica.classics.ox.ac.uk/index.php?id=29
  11. Carayon, N. Review of Ayala, G. (Ed.) 2013. Lyon, Saint-Georges: Archéologie, Environnement et Histoire d’un Espace Fluvial en Bord de Saône, Documents d’Archéologie Française 106. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. Antiquity, 88.342, Pp. 1341-1342.
  12. Carayon, N., Review of Preiser-Kapeller, J. and Daim, F. (Eds.) 2015. Harbours and Maritime Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems, RGZM Monograph 23 Römanisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 45.3, 2016.
  13. Carayon, N., and Lebret, J.-B. 2014. L’île Sainte-Lucie et l’île Saint-Martin, In Sanchez C., Jézégou M.-P. (Eds.), Les Ports Antiques de Narbonne, Les Carnets du Parc No. 15. Parc Naturel Régional de la Narbonnaise en Méditerranée, Narbonne, Pp. 41-42.
  14. Carayon, N., Flaux, C. and Piquès, G. 2014. Le Vivier du Lac de Capelles. In Sanchez, C., Jézégou, M.-P. (Eds.), Les Ports Antiques de Narbonne, Les Carnets du Parc No. 15. Parc Naturel Régional de la Narbonnaise en Méditerranée, Narbonne, Pp. 87-91.
  15. Carayon, N., Flaux, C., 2016. Le Vivier Augustéen du Lac de Capelles à Port-la-Nautique / The Augustan Fish Tank of the Lac de Capelles at Port-la-Nautique, in Sanchez, C. and Jézégou, M.-P. (Eds), Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Actes du Colloque International Montpellier 22 – 24 Mai 2014. Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise, Supplément. Montpellier-Lattes, Pp. 87-97.
  16. Delile, H., 2014, Les paléo-pollutions au plomb, témoins des conditions socio-économiques de la Rome antique. Médecine/Sciences, 30(10), pp. 7-9.
  17. Delile, H., Abichou, A., Gadhoum, A., Goiran, J-P., Pleuger, E., Monchambert, J-Y., Wilson, A., Fentress, E., Quinn, J., Ben Jerbania, I. and Ghozzi, F. 2015. The Geoarchaeology of Utica, Tunisia: The Paleogeography of the Mejerda Delta and Hypotheses Concerning the Location of the Ancient Harbor, Geoarchaeology, 30, pp. 291–306 DOI:1002/gea.21514
  18. Delile, H., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J-P., Keay, S. and Albarède, F. 2014. Lead in Ancient Rome’s City Waters. PNAS 111, 18 pp.6594-6599 D.O.I: 10.1073/pnas.1400097111
  19. Delile, H., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J-P., Stock, F., Arnaud-Godet, F., Bravard, J-P., Brückner, H. and and Albarède, F. 2015, Demise of a Harbor: a Geochemical Chronicle from Ephesus, Journal of Archaeological Science, 53, 202-213. DOI.: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.10.002
  20. Delile, H., Keenan-Jones, D., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J-P., Arnaud-Godet, F., Romano, P. and and Albarède, F. 2016. A Lead Isotope Perspective on Urban Development in Ancient Naples, PNAS, 16 May 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1600893113
  21. Delile, H., Mazzini, I., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J.-P., Arnaud-Godet, F., Salomon, F., Albarède, F., 2014, Geochemical investigation of a sediment core from the Trajan basin at Portus, the harbor of ancient Rome. Quaternary Science Reviews, 87C, pp. 34-45.
  22. Garcia Casacuberta, N. Cui bono? Per Què els Grecs Escrivien Sobre Ports. Auriga, issue number 76, pp. 4-8.
  23. Goiran J.-Ph., Tronchere H., Salomon F., Prieur A., Djerbi H., Carbonel P.,Schmitt L., 2015, The Geoarchaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Harbours in Deltaic Context / Géoarchéologie des Ports Antiques Méditerranéens en Context Deltaique, in Carcaud, N. and Arnaud-Fassetta, G. (Eds.), French Geoarchaeology in the 21st century / La Géoarchéologie Française au XXIe Siècle, 291-300. Online: http://www.cnrseditions.fr/geographie/6965-la-geoarcheologie-francaise-au-xxie-siecle.html ISBN : 978-2-271-07259-7
  24. Keay, S. 2015. The Roman Ports Project. Papers of the British School at Rome, 83, pp 302-310 DOI:10.1017/S0068246215000264
  25. Keay, S.2015 The potential of ancient ports for the advancements of archaeological science. XVIII CIAC. Centro y Periferia en el Mundo Clasico,59-66.
  26. Keay, S., Millett, M. and Strutt, K. The Canal System and Tiber Delta at Portus. Assessing the Nature of Man-made Waterways and their Relationship with the Natural Environment. Water History DOI: 10.1007/s12685-013-0094-y
  27. Leidwanger, J., Knappett, C., Arnaud, P., Arthur, P., Blake, E., Broodbank, C., Brughmans, T. 2014. A Manifesto for the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Maritime Networks. Antiquity+, http://journal.antiquity.ac.uk/projgall/leidwanger342.
  28. Marriner, N., Morhange, C., and Carayon, 2014. Chronostratigraphie et Biosédimentologie des Ports Antiques du Liban, Géochronique 130, 31-34 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01116409
  29. Marriner, N., Morhange, C., Kaniewski, D. and Carayon, 2014. Ancient Harbour Infrastructure in the Levant: Tracking the Birth and Rise of New Forms of Anthropogenic Pressure”, Scientific Reports 4.5554 DOI: 10.1038/srep05554. Open access.
  30. Mataix Ferrandiz, E. La Nave Como Unidad Jurídica en Derecho Romano: Algunas Reflexiones en Torno a D. 47, 9, 3, 8 (Ulp. 56 ad edict.). In Robles Reyes, J. R., Parra Martín, M. D., Díaz-Bautista Cremades, A., del Vas González, J. M. (Eds.), La Actividad de la Banca y los Negocios Mercantiles en el Mare Nostrum. Aranzadi-Thomson Reuters: Navarra, 525-540
  31. Mataix Ferrandiz, E. 2016: Review of: Rita Salis, luogo, vuoto e movimento a distanza in Giovanni Filopono, Edizione Storica della Tradizione Aristotelica, Studia aristotelica, terza serie, 3 (17), Milella, 2014, ISBN 8870485595, 9788870485592, in Classical Journal Online
  32. Moreno Escobar, M. C. Patrones de Asentamiento en la Bética Romana: un Estudio del Proceso de Romanización desde el Análisis Arqueológico Espacial. Doctoral thesis. Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Filosofía, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain).
  33. Morhange, C., Marriner N. and Carayon, 2015. The Geoarchaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Harbours, in Carcaud, N. and Arnaud-Fassetta, G. (Eds.), French Geoarchaeology in the 21st century / La Géoarchéologie Française au XXIe Siècle. CNRS Edition, Lyons. 245-254 Online: http://www.cnrseditions.fr/geographie/6965-la-geoarcheologie-francaise-au-xxie-siecle.html, ISBN : 978-2-271-07259-7
  34. Morhange, C., Marriner, N., Blot, M.-L., Bony, G., Carayon, , Carmona, P., Flaux, C., Giaime, M., Goiran, J.-P., Kouka, M., Lena, A., Oueslati, A., Pasquinucci, M., Porotov, A. V. 2015. Dynamiques Géomorphologiques et Typologie Géoarchéologique des Ports Antiques en Contextes Lagunaires. Quaternaire 26 (2). Pp. 117-139. http://quaternaire.revues.org/7187 Open Access from June 2018.
  35. Morhange, C., Marriner, N., Bony, G., Carayon, , Flaux, C., Shah-Hosseini, M. 2014. Coastal Geoarchaeology and Neocatastrophism: a Dangerous Liaison?, in Ladstätter, S., Pirson, F. & Schmidts, T. (Eds.), Harbours and Harbour Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean, BYZAS 19 -2. Pp.705-725. ISBN-10: 6054701606
  36. Pepe C., Sadori L., Adrieu-Ponel V., Salomon F., Goiran J.-P., Late Holocene Pollen Record from Fiume Morto (Dead River), a Paleomeander of Tiber River near Ancient Ostia (central Italy), Journal of Paleolimnology, DOI: 10.1007/s10933-016-9903-5 Pp.1-15
  37. Pirson, F. 2015: Pergamon, Türkei. In Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2014, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, 2015 Faszikel 3, Pp177-180, (07.12.2015). ISSN 2198-7734 http://www.dainst.org/documents/10180/1383481/eFB2015-3_s.pdf/4a038c34-dc97-49a1-beae-8e7330397046
  38. Pirson, 2016. Pergamon – Bericht über die Arbeiten in der Kampagne 2014, Archäologischer Anzeiger 2015/2. Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Berlin. Pp. 89-179.
  39. Pirson, F. 2016: Pergamon – Yakın Çevrede Gerçekleștirilen Yüzey Araștırma Raporu, in: Araștırma Sonuçları Toplantatısı 33. 2. Cilt Pp. 71–78 ISSN 1017-7663 http://www.kulturvarliklari.gov.tr/Eklenti/45228,33arastirma2.pdf?0
  40. Purdue L., Salomon F., Berger J.-F., Goiran J.-P., 2015, Special Issue: Canal through Time: Towards a Multidisciplinary and Holistic Study of Water Systems?, Water History, 7, 1, 1-9. DOI:1007/s12685-015-0130-1 – http://link.springer.com/journal/12685/7/1/page/1 .
  41. Sadori, L., Mazzini, I., Pepe, C., Goiran, J.-P., Pleuger, E., Ruscito, V., Salomon, and Vittori, C. 2016. Palynology and Ostracodology at the Roman Port of Ancient Ostia. The Holocene. DOI:10.1177/0959683616640054 p.1-11
  42. Salomon F., Goiran J.-P., Bravard J.-P., Arnaud P., Djerbi H., Kay S., Keay S., 2014, A Canal-harbour at Portus: a Geoarchaeological Approaches to the Canale Romano – Tiber Delta, Italy. Water History, 6, 1, 31-49. DOI:1007/s12685-014-0099-1
  43. Salomon F., Purdue L., Goiran J.-P., Berger J.-F., 2014,Roman Canals Studies – Main Research Aims, Water History, 6, 1, 1-9. DOI:1007/s12685-014-0101-y – http://link.springer.com/journal/12685/6/1/page/1
  44. Sanchez, C., Carayon, N., Duperron, G., Meauné, S., 2015. Les Ports Antiques de Narbonne, in Bulletin de la SFAC (Revue Archéologique 1.2015), Pp. 137-145.
  45. Stock, F., Knipping, M., Pint, A., Ladstätter, S., Delile, H., Heiss, A., Laermanns, H., Mitchell, P. D., Ployer, R., Steskal, M., Thanheiser, U., Urz, R., Wennrich, V., Brückner, H., 2016. Human Impact on Holocene Sediment Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean – the Example of the Roman Harbour of Ephesus. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. DOI:1002/esp.3914
  46. Vittori C., Mazzini I., Salomon F., Goiran J.-Ph., Pannuzi S., Rosa C., Pelegrino A., 2015, Palaeoenvironmental Evolution of the Ancient Lagoon of Ostia Antica, Journal of Archaeological Science, 54, 374-384. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2014.06.017