Papers at conferences
- Arnaud, P. Academic Lecture, University of Hamburg 19th May 2015: The Administration,Building and Maintenance of Ports in Roman Asia Minor, and Elsewhere.
- Arnaud, P. Byblos: Culture and Modernity, Symposium. GAIA-Heritage at Lebanese American University. 9th June 2016. Keynote Speech: Abandonment and Resilience of Ancient Ports
- Arnaud, P. Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires fluvio-lagunaires. Montpellier, 23 May 2014 : Des Lagunes, des Fleuves et des Ports : le Port Fuvio-Maritime, une Figure Majeure du Port Antique?
- Arnaud, P. Colloque Océanides. Table ronde : Ports et villes maritimes, Paris. 11th December 2014: L’Influence de la Mer dans l’Histoire, Voyage au Cœur de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-Age
- Arnaud, P. Colloque: Le détroit de Gibraltar, à la croisée des mers et des continents Antiquité – Moyen Âge, Paris. 4th December 2014: Le Détroit de Gibraltar et les Routes du Commerce Romain
- Arnaud, P. Conférence sur La Précarité sur les Routes et les Mers de l’Antiquité à l’Epoque Modern. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de St Denis, Paris. 23rd May 2016: L’insécurité Sur Les Mers Dans Le Monde Romain
- Arnaud, P. ERC Portus Limen Conference: Roman Port Societies through the evidence of inscriptions, BSR, Rome 29th January 2015. Municipal Authority, Central Authority, and Euergetists at Work at the Port of Ephesus: Layers of Activity and Interplay
- Arnaud, P. Excellence cluster Topoi, Berlin. Frei Univ. Berlin and A. von Humboldt. 28th May 2015:New Light on the Stadiasmus Maris Magni and its Periplographic Context
- Arnaud, P. Littératures Techniques et Tradition des Textes Scientifiques de l’Antiquité Gréco-Romaine. European doctoral seminar, Casa de Velàzquez (Madrid) 21 April 2015: Le Stadiasme de la Grande Mer : Stratigraphie(s) d’une Compilation Périplographique
- Arnaud, P. Quinto Seminario Geographia Antiqua : Ἱστορία περιοδική – Costruzione e Decostruzione della Cartografia Tolemaica, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 15 October 2015: Il trattamento Cartografico del Materiale Peri-plografico e Dia-plografico da Parte di Tolomeo: Qualche Esempio.
- Arnaud, P. Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: Roman Portolans as Evidence for Roman Port-Systems
- Arnaud, P. University of Southampton Seminar 8 March 2016: Ius Quiritum and νόμος τῆς θαλάσσης: Roman Law of the Sea or Sea-Law at Rome ? Charter-parties, their Clauses and the Actio in Factum.
- Arnaud, P. WIMAKS’16, 2nd International Workshop on Maritime Flows and Networks. Complex Systems Institute of Paris, 25 April 2016: Sea-routes, Ports and Trade-Patterns in the Roman Mediterranean
- Arnaud, P.Journées du GIS d’Histoire & Sciences de la Mer, Regards Croisés sur les Ports : Ruptures, Mutations, Adaptations. Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), Brest. 26th May Les Formes du Port Antique : Facteurs Politiques et Technologiques de Leur Evolution (-2800/+500)
- Bony, G., Carayon, N., Flaux, Cl., Marriner, N., Morhange, C., Colloque international. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Montpellier, 22 May 2014: Le Port Lagunaire de Kition (Larnaca, Chypre)
- Carayon N., Festival of British Archaeology, University of Southampton, 23rd July 2015: Digging the Imperial Port of Rome. The Portus Project and the Rome’s Mediterranean Project.
- Carayon N., OCMA Seminar Series. University of Oxford, 6th May 2015: The Augustan Piscina with Triclinium in La Nautique (Narbonne, France)
- Carayon, N. et Cl. Flaux, Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Montpellier, 22 May 2014: Le Vivier Augustéen du Lac de Capelles à Port-la-Nautique/ The Augustan Fish Tank of the Lac de Capelles at Port-la-Nautique
- Carayon, N., Keay, S., Arnaud, P. and Sanchez, C., Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences, Museum at the Institut of Geosciences at the CAU Kiel, DFG Priority Programme 1630: Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages, 2nd October 2015. The Harbour System of Narbo Martius (Narbonne, France) and its Facilities during Antiquity
- Carayon, N., Lassalle, A., Sanchez, C., Jezegou M.-P., Convegno Internazionale. Il Ruolo delle Vie d’Acqua per la Circolazione delle Merci e degli Uomini nelle Regioni dei Delta e delle Foci Urbanizzate: Guadalquivir, Nilo, Rodano, Tevere. Rome 13 May 2015: Les Ports Antiques de Narbonne. Des Recherches Archéologiques au Cœur d’un Territoire
- Carayon, N., Séminaire International MoMArch, MMSH, Centre Camille Julian, Aix-en-Provence, : Les Ports Phéniciens et Puniques. Un Objet d’Etude Multi-Scalaire et Interdisciplinaire. 17 December 2015 : Présentation du Rome’s Mediterranean Ports – Portus Limen project ; Le Système Portuaire de Narbonne Antique ; Le Vivier Augustéen de Port-la-Nautique
- Carayon, N., Workshop: People, Ports and Networking in the Roman Mediterranean. University of Oxford. 6th March 2015: Ports and Networks: Narbonne
- Delile, H., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J.-P., Stock, F., Bravard, J.-P., Brückner, H., Albarède, F. Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues JJG 2015 Nantes. 29 January 2015: Signatures Géochimiques des Paléo-Environnements et des Paléo-Pollutions dans les Archives Sédimentaires du Port Romain d’Éphèse.
- Feuser, S., Laufer, E. and Pirson, F., and Roman Archaeology Conference/Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (RAC/TRAC), La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: The Maritime Topography of the Pergamene Coastal Region: The Kane Regional Harbour Survey 2014-2015
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. Atelier Paysages d’Orient et de Mediterranée, Université d’Artois (Arras, France), 20th May 2015 : ἐγγὺς τῆς θαλάσσης: des Mots pour Décrire Paysages Côtiers chez les Saveurs Anciens (Égypte maritime).
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. Collecting Knowledge CMRC study day, University of Southampton, 18th January 2016: Correxerunt Editores. On the Necessity or Not to Amend the Classics.
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. Conformity and Controversy Conference, 8th Annual Postgraduate Conference, University of Southampton, 23rd March 2015: Truth Within the Lies? Harbour Descriptions in Lucian’s Second True History.
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. GradNet conference. 21st March 2016: Pecha Kucha presentation Latin Harbour Terms Derived from Greek. A Case-Study on Linguistic Evolution.
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. Oxford seminar, 28th November 2014: Setting Sail. Approaching Literary Sources for Archaeological Research on Greek and Roman Mediterranean Ports.
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. PGRAS, University of Southampton, 21st May 2015: Scripta Manent. In Search of Harbour Data in Ancient Literary Sources.
- Garcia Casacuberta, N. XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, Barcelona, 13th July 2015: Términos Portuarios en el Corpus Médico: el Caso de Aigialos.
- Goiran J.-P., Salomon F., Shifting Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World: New Directions in the Study of Ancient Rivers, OXREP Conference, Oxford, 27th June 2014: Roman Harbours of Ostia and Portus: Geoarchaeology and Landscape Evolution on the Tiber Delta. In English.
- Goiran, J-P., Salomon, F., Mazzini, I., Bravard, J-P., Pleuger, E., Pouilloux, J., Christiansen, C., Arnaud, P., Pellegrino, A., Pepe, C., Sadori, L., Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires fluvio-lagunaires. Montpellier, 23 May 2014: Géoarcheologie du Bassin Portuaire d’Ostia : Localisation, Chronostratigraphie et Comparaison avec les Bassins de Portus
- Keay, S. & Arnaud, P. European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting, ITU, Istanbul. 13th September 2014: Towards a New Understanding of Roman Ports in the West and Eastern Mediterranean: The ERC Roman Mediterranean Ports Project
- Keay, S. & Arnaud, P. WIMAKS’16, 2nd International Workshop on Maritime Flows and Networks. Complex Systems Institute of Paris, 25 April 2016: The Portus-Limen ERC-funded Program’
- Keay, S. Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies. The Flow of Money, Goods and Services. International Congress 29 October 2014. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna: The Role played by the Portus Augusti in Flows of Commerce Between Rome and its Mediterranean Ports.
- Keay, S. Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: Trajanic Portus Revisited
- Keay, S., Arnaud, P., Carayon, N., Salomon, F., Strutt, K., Hay, S., Moreno Escobar, M.C. and Earl, G. 2015 ASOR Annual Meeting, The InterContinental Buckhead, Atlanta, GA. USA. 21 November 2015. New Directions in the Study of Rome’s Mediterranean Ports.
- Keay, S., Carayon, N., Pagi, H., Archaeology Departmental Seminar Series, University of Southampton, 10th February 2016: An Inter-Disciplinary Database Relating to Mediterranean Roman Ports.
- Keay, S., Carayon, N., Sanchez, C., Salomon, F., Moreno Escobar, M.C. Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: A Comparative Approach to Roman Port Systems : the Ports of Rome, Tarraco and Narbo
- S., Salomon, F., Strutt, K. Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Montpellier, 23 May 2014: Connecting Rome to Portus, Ostia and the Sea: the Canal System of Claudius and Trajan
- Laufer, E. Archäologisches Institut der Universität Leipzig, 26th January 2016: Kane, Pitane und die Arginusen. Ergebnisse eines Surveys des DAI 2014-2015 in der pergamenischen Küstenlandschaft
- Laufer, E. Archäologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Archäologisches Werkstattgespräche, 16th September 2015: Forschungen zur Pergamenischen Küstenlandschaft. Der Survey auf der Kane-Halbinsel 2014
- Laufer, E. German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Athens, Public Lecture. 2nd March 2016: Griechische Kolonien an der Pergamenischen Küste. Ergebnisse eines DAI-Surveys in Kane und Pitane 2014-2015
- Laufer, E., Feuser, St. and Pirson, F. Archäologisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Annual Meeting of the DAI-cluster 6 Connecting Cultures: Formen, Wege und Räume kultureller Interaktion, 19th May 2016: Maritime Thermen und Villegiatur an der Küste der Kane-Halbinsel.
- Mailleur, S. Colloque: Autour des Machines de Vitruve, Caen, 3 June 2015. Les Machines Employées dans les Activités Portuaires: Une Approche Epigraphique et Iconographique
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. Beyond the Sea Symposium, University of Southampton. 30th May 2015: Shipwrecks and Roman law: A New Perspective of Analysis of Submerged Worlds.
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. Law, Custom and Ritual in the Medieval Mediterranean; Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 13th July 2015: Lex Rhodia de iactu: an Example of Transmission of an Ancient Maritime Custom Through History
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. University of Oxford Seminar Series, Brasenose College, Oxford, 28th November 2014: Ubi societas, ibi ius: Reviewing the Epigraphy of Merchandise from the Legal Perspective.
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. University of Southampton, SMMPG (Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute), 29th April 2015: Bridging the Gap: Epigraphy of Merchandize and its Legal Perspective.
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. University of Valencia seminar, 16th December 2014: La Recepción del Derecho Romano en la Europa Medieval
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. XVII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Romano, University of Bologna. 26th March 2015: Evitar la Norma y Contraer Obligaciones. El Plebiscito Claudiano y el Comercio Marítimo Durante la República
- Mataix Ferrándiz, E. XXII Convergno Internazionale dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana, Spello, Perugia, Italy. 27th June 2015: Riflessioni sull’ Utilizzazione dell’ Acqua Potabile nella Tarda Antichita.
- Moreno Escobar, M.C. and Wheatley, D.: International Conference Las villas romanas de la Bética, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 10th June, 2014: De Puntos, Columnas y Necrópolis: Análisis Especial de las Villas Romanas de Andalucía. Resultados Preliminares.
- Moreno Escobar, M.C.: Archaeological Association of the Algarve, Lagoa and Sao Bras, Portugal, 3rd March, 2015: Understanding Landscapes, Cities and Ports of the Roman Algarve: New Insights and Approaches.
- Moreno Escobar, M.C.: Deutsch-Iberischer Workshop Wirtschaftskrise, Strukturwandel und Migration im frühen Europa, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany and the Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 28th May, 2015: Territories of Conquest in Baetica: Applications of Archaeological Spatial Analysis within the Romanisation Debate.
- Moreno Escobar, M.C.: Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: A Balance of Differences and Similarities: A GIS Approach to Territories of Baetica
- Pirson, F. & Laufer, E. Akteure und Mobilität in Hafenorten & Hafenorte und Mikroregion, German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Istanbul. 15th May 2015: Hafenorte der Pergamenischen Küste – der Kane Regional Harbour Survey
- Pirson, F. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantası 37th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys And Archaeometry, Atatürk University, 13th May 2015: Pergamon 2014: Research and Conservation Report
- Pirson, F.European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting, ITU, Istanbul, 13 September 2014: The Maritime Topography of the Ancient Kane Peninsula: A Micro-Regional Approach to the Impact of Harbours and Anchorages on Politics, Economy and Communication of a Western Anatolian Landscape. Kane Regional Harbour Survey
- Pirson, F., Kazı Sonuçları Toplantası 38th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys And Archaeometry, Trakya University, 25th May 2016: Pergamon 2015 Sezonu Çalışmaları Raporu (Report on the 2015 Surveys in the Surroundings of Pergamon)
- Pleuger E., Goiran J.-Ph., Abichou H. and Fagel N., Colloque ATEQ Paléolagunes et Terres Humides Quaternaires des Littoraux Méditerranéens, Tunisie, Hammamet 10-12 April 2014: Evolution des Paléoenvironnements du Delta de la Medjerda.
- Pleuger E., Goiran J.-Ph., Delile H., Abichou H. and Fagel N., Belqua 2014 workshop, Bruxelles, 5 March 2014. Geoarchaeology of the Ancient City of Utica (Tunisia) and Evolution of the Medjerda Delta’s Palaeoenvironment.
- Salomon F. University of Southampton, SMMPG (Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute), 29th April 2015: Romans Harbours and the Mediterranean Coasts: a Geoarchaeological Perspective. In English.
- Salomon F., Festival of Archaeology 2015, University of Southampton, 14th July 2015: Harbours of Rome: Environmental Constraints of the Cities of Ostia and Portus. In English.
- Salomon F., University of Oxford Seminar Series, All Souls College, Oxford, 12th June 2015: A New Geo-archaeological Tool for the Study of the Operation of Roman Harbours: the Palaeo-environmental Age Model (PADM chart). In English.
- Salomon F., University of Southampton, Archaeology Department Symposium, 20th January 2015: PortusLimen Project: Geoarchaeology of Mediterranean Coastal Landscapes and Roman Harbours. In English.
- Salomon, & Bukowiecki, E. Ille Table Ronde : Approches Géoarchéologiques et Paléoenvironnementales de la Gestion des Ressources Hydrauliques dans l’Antiquité, MMSH / HYDRΩMED, Aix-en-Provence. 11th March 2016: Problematiques Géoarcheologiques sur la Gestion de l’Eau dans une Ville d’Embouchure : le Cas d’Ostie à l’Epoque Romaine. In French.
- Salomon, International Workshop: Roman Mediterranean Ports and their Context. Correlating Research Methodologies at Baelo Claudia, Universidad de Cádiz, 18th May 2016: From the Analysis of Sediment to the Reconstitution of the Landscape. Geoarchaeological Perspectives on Roman Harbours. In English.
- Salomon, , Boetto G., Goiran J.-Ph., Rousse C., Programma “Roma, Tevere Litorale”, Ecole Francaise de Rome, Rome, 15 May 2015: Navigabilité de l’Embouchure du Tibre de l’Antiquité à nos Jours, Il Ruolo delle Via d’Acqua per la Circolazione delle Merci e degli Uomini nelle Regioni dei Delta e delle Foci Urbanizzate. In French.
- Salomon, , Bravard J.-P., Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Nantes, France 30th January 2015 : Diversité des Dépôts en Milieu Deltaïque et Développement du Diagramme C/M de Passega. In French.
- Salomon,, Carayon, N., Keay, S., Arnaud, P. Journées du GIS d’Histoire & Sciences de la Mer, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), Brest, 26th May 2016 : Adaptation du Port au Milieu et à ses Variations : le Cas des Ports Romains de Méditerranée. In French.
- Salomon, , Goiran J.-Ph., Keay S. Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUIA 2016: Paléoclimats et Environnements Quaternaires, quoi de Neuf sous le Soleil?, Université de Bordeaux, 16th February 2016. In French. Un ‘Modèle Âge-Profondeur Paléoenvironnemental’ pour comprendre les milieux à sédimentation complexe
- Salomon, F., Goiran, J-P., Belotti, P., Djerbi, H., Carbonel, P., Athanassas, C., Oberlin, C. and Keay, S. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference, University of Southampton. 7th September 2015. A New Interpretative Diachronic Chart of the Geomorphological Study of Mediterranean Deltas.
- Wunderlich, T., Erkul, E., Fediuk, A., Wilken, D., Rabbel, W., Laufer, E., Pirson, F., Colloquium Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages. Harbours as Objects of Interdisciplinary Research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences. Universität zu Kiel. 2nd October 2015: Archaeological Survey and Marine Geophysical Prospection in the Ancient City of Kane, Turkey.