Papers at conferences


  1. Arnaud, P. Academic Lecture, University of Hamburg 19th May 2015: The Administration,Building and Maintenance of Ports in Roman Asia Minor, and Elsewhere.
  2. Arnaud, P. Byblos: Culture and Modernity, Symposium. GAIA-Heritage at Lebanese American University. 9th June 2016. Keynote Speech: Abandonment and Resilience of Ancient Ports
  3. Arnaud, P. Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires fluvio-lagunaires. Montpellier, 23 May 2014 : Des Lagunes, des Fleuves et des Ports : le Port Fuvio-Maritime, une Figure Majeure du Port Antique?
  4. Arnaud, P. Colloque Océanides. Table ronde : Ports et villes maritimes, Paris. 11th December 2014: L’Influence de la Mer dans l’Histoire, Voyage au Cœur de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-Age
  5. Arnaud, P. Colloque: Le détroit de Gibraltar, à la croisée des mers et des continents Antiquité – Moyen Âge, Paris. 4th December 2014: Le Détroit de Gibraltar et les Routes du Commerce Romain
  6. Arnaud, P. Conférence sur La Précarité sur les Routes et les Mers de l’Antiquité à l’Epoque Modern. Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de St Denis, Paris. 23rd  May 2016: L’insécurité Sur Les Mers Dans Le Monde Romain
  7. Arnaud, P. ERC Portus Limen Conference: Roman Port Societies through the evidence of inscriptions, BSR, Rome 29th January 2015. Municipal Authority, Central Authority, and Euergetists at Work at the Port of Ephesus: Layers of Activity and Interplay
  8. Arnaud, P. Excellence cluster Topoi, Berlin. Frei Univ. Berlin and A. von Humboldt. 28th May 2015:New Light on the Stadiasmus Maris Magni and its Periplographic Context
  9. Arnaud, P. Littératures Techniques et Tradition des Textes Scientifiques de l’Antiquité Gréco-Romaine. European doctoral seminar, Casa de Velàzquez (Madrid) 21 April 2015: Le Stadiasme de la Grande Mer : Stratigraphie(s) d’une Compilation Périplographique
  10. Arnaud, P. Quinto Seminario Geographia Antiqua : Ἱστορία περιοδική – Costruzione e Decostruzione della Cartografia Tolemaica, Università degli Studi di Perugia, 15 October 2015: Il trattamento Cartografico del Materiale Peri-plografico e Dia-plografico da Parte di Tolomeo: Qualche Esempio.
  11. Arnaud, P. Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: Roman Portolans as Evidence for Roman Port-Systems
  12. Arnaud, P. University of Southampton Seminar 8 March 2016: Ius Quiritum and νόμος τῆς θαλάσσης: Roman Law of the Sea or Sea-Law at Rome ? Charter-parties, their Clauses and the Actio in Factum.
  13. Arnaud, P. WIMAKS’16, 2nd International Workshop on Maritime Flows and Networks. Complex Systems Institute of Paris, 25 April 2016: Sea-routes, Ports and Trade-Patterns in the Roman Mediterranean
  14. Arnaud, P.Journées du GIS d’Histoire & Sciences de la Mer, Regards Croisés sur les Ports : Ruptures, Mutations, Adaptations. Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), Brest. 26th May Les Formes du Port Antique : Facteurs Politiques et Technologiques de Leur Evolution (-2800/+500)
  15. Bony, G., Carayon, N., Flaux, Cl., Marriner, N., Morhange, C., Colloque international. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Montpellier, 22 May 2014: Le Port Lagunaire de Kition (Larnaca, Chypre)
  16. Carayon N., Festival of British Archaeology, University of Southampton, 23rd July 2015: Digging the Imperial Port of Rome. The Portus Project and the Rome’s Mediterranean Project.
  17. Carayon N., OCMA Seminar Series. University of Oxford, 6th May 2015: The Augustan Piscina with Triclinium in La Nautique (Narbonne, France)
  18. Carayon, N. et Cl. Flaux, Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Montpellier, 22 May 2014: Le Vivier Augustéen du Lac de Capelles à Port-la-Nautique/ The Augustan Fish Tank of the Lac de Capelles at Port-la-Nautique
  19. Carayon, N., Keay, S., Arnaud, P. and Sanchez, C., Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences, Museum at the Institut of Geosciences at the CAU Kiel, DFG Priority Programme 1630: Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages, 2nd October 2015. The Harbour System of Narbo Martius (Narbonne, France) and its Facilities during Antiquity
  20. Carayon, N., Lassalle, A., Sanchez, C., Jezegou M.-P., Convegno Internazionale. Il Ruolo delle Vie d’Acqua per la Circolazione delle Merci e degli Uomini nelle Regioni dei Delta e delle Foci Urbanizzate: Guadalquivir, Nilo, Rodano, Tevere. Rome 13 May 2015: Les Ports Antiques de Narbonne. Des Recherches Archéologiques au Cœur d’un Territoire
  21. Carayon, N., Séminaire International MoMArch, MMSH, Centre Camille Julian, Aix-en-Provence, : Les Ports Phéniciens et Puniques. Un Objet d’Etude Multi-Scalaire et Interdisciplinaire. 17 December 2015 : Présentation du Rome’s Mediterranean Ports – Portus Limen project ; Le Système Portuaire de Narbonne Antique ; Le Vivier Augustéen de Port-la-Nautique
  22. Carayon, N., Workshop: People, Ports and Networking in the Roman Mediterranean. University of Oxford. 6th March 2015: Ports and Networks: Narbonne
  23. Delile, H., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J.-P., Stock, F., Bravard, J.-P., Brückner, H., Albarède, F. Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues JJG 2015 Nantes. 29 January 2015: Signatures Géochimiques des Paléo-Environnements et des Paléo-Pollutions dans les Archives Sédimentaires du Port Romain d’Éphèse.
  24. Feuser, S., Laufer, E. and Pirson, F., and Roman Archaeology Conference/Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (RAC/TRAC), La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: The Maritime Topography of the Pergamene Coastal Region: The Kane Regional Harbour Survey 2014-2015
  25. Garcia Casacuberta, N. Atelier Paysages d’Orient et de Mediterranée, Université d’Artois (Arras, France), 20th May 2015 : γγς τς θαλσσης: des Mots pour Décrire Paysages Côtiers chez les Saveurs Anciens (Égypte maritime). 
  26. Garcia Casacuberta, N. Collecting Knowledge CMRC study day, University of Southampton, 18th January 2016: Correxerunt Editores. On the Necessity or Not to Amend the Classics.
  27. Garcia Casacuberta, N. Conformity and Controversy Conference, 8th Annual Postgraduate Conference, University of Southampton, 23rd March 2015: Truth Within the Lies? Harbour Descriptions in Lucian’s Second True History.
  28. Garcia Casacuberta, N. GradNet conference. 21st March 2016: Pecha Kucha presentation Latin Harbour Terms Derived from Greek. A Case-Study on Linguistic Evolution.
  29. Garcia Casacuberta, N. Oxford seminar, 28th November 2014: Setting Sail. Approaching Literary Sources for Archaeological Research on Greek and Roman Mediterranean Ports. 
  30. Garcia Casacuberta, N. PGRAS, University of Southampton, 21st May 2015: Scripta Manent. In Search of Harbour Data in Ancient Literary Sources. 
  31. Garcia Casacuberta, N. XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, Barcelona, 13th July 2015: Términos Portuarios en el Corpus Médico: el Caso de Aigialos.
  32. Goiran J.-P., Salomon F., Shifting Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World: New Directions in the Study of Ancient Rivers, OXREP Conference, Oxford, 27th June 2014: Roman Harbours of Ostia and Portus: Geoarchaeology and Landscape Evolution on the Tiber Delta. In English.
  33. Goiran, J-P., Salomon, F., Mazzini, I., Bravard, J-P., Pleuger, E., Pouilloux, J., Christiansen, C., Arnaud, P., Pellegrino, A., Pepe, C., Sadori, L., Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires fluvio-lagunaires. Montpellier, 23 May 2014: Géoarcheologie du Bassin Portuaire d’Ostia : Localisation, Chronostratigraphie et Comparaison avec les Bassins de Portus
  34. Keay, S. & Arnaud, P. European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting, ITU, Istanbul. 13th September 2014: Towards a New Understanding of Roman Ports in the West and Eastern Mediterranean: The ERC Roman Mediterranean Ports Project
  35. Keay, S. & Arnaud, P. WIMAKS’16, 2nd International Workshop on Maritime Flows and Networks. Complex Systems Institute of Paris, 25 April 2016: The Portus-Limen ERC-funded Program’
  36. Keay, S. Infrastructure and Distribution in Ancient Economies. The Flow of Money, Goods and Services. International Congress 29 October 2014. Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna: The Role played by the Portus Augusti in Flows of Commerce Between Rome and its Mediterranean Ports.
  37. Keay, S. Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: Trajanic Portus Revisited
  38. Keay, S., Arnaud, P., Carayon, N., Salomon, F., Strutt, K., Hay, S., Moreno Escobar, M.C. and Earl, G. 2015 ASOR Annual Meeting, The InterContinental Buckhead, Atlanta, GA. USA. 21 November 2015. New Directions in the Study of Rome’s Mediterranean Ports.
  39. Keay, S., Carayon, N., Pagi, H., Archaeology Departmental Seminar Series, University of Southampton, 10th February 2016: An Inter-Disciplinary Database Relating to Mediterranean Roman Ports.
  40. Keay, S., Carayon, N., Sanchez, C., Salomon, F., Moreno Escobar, M.C. Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: A Comparative Approach to Roman Port Systems : the Ports of Rome, Tarraco and Narbo
  41. S., Salomon, F., Strutt, K. Colloque International. Les Ports dans l’Espace Méditerranéen Antique. Narbonne et les Systèmes Portuaires Fluvio-Lagunaires. Montpellier, 23 May 2014: Connecting Rome to Portus, Ostia and the Sea: the Canal System of Claudius and Trajan
  42. Laufer, E. Archäologisches Institut der Universität Leipzig, 26th January 2016: Kane, Pitane und die Arginusen. Ergebnisse eines Surveys des DAI 2014-2015 in der pergamenischen Küstenlandschaft
  43. Laufer, E. Archäologisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, Archäologisches Werkstattgespräche, 16th September 2015: Forschungen zur Pergamenischen Küstenlandschaft. Der Survey auf der Kane-Halbinsel 2014
  44. Laufer, E. German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Athens, Public Lecture. 2nd March 2016: Griechische Kolonien an der Pergamenischen Küste. Ergebnisse eines DAI-Surveys in Kane und Pitane 2014-2015
  45. Laufer, E., Feuser, St. and Pirson, F. Archäologisches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Annual Meeting of the DAI-cluster 6 Connecting Cultures: Formen, Wege und Räume kultureller Interaktion, 19th May 2016: Maritime Thermen und Villegiatur an der Küste der Kane-Halbinsel.
  46. Mailleur, S. Colloque: Autour des Machines de Vitruve, Caen, 3 June 2015. Les Machines Employées dans les Activités Portuaires: Une Approche Epigraphique et Iconographique
  47. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. Beyond the Sea Symposium, University of Southampton. 30th May 2015: Shipwrecks and Roman law: A New Perspective of Analysis of Submerged Worlds.
  48. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. Law, Custom and Ritual in the Medieval Mediterranean; Conference of the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, 13th July 2015: Lex Rhodia de iactu: an Example of Transmission of an Ancient Maritime Custom Through History
  49. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. University of Oxford Seminar Series, Brasenose College, Oxford, 28th November 2014: Ubi societas, ibi ius: Reviewing the Epigraphy of Merchandise from the Legal Perspective.
  50. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. University of Southampton, SMMPG (Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute), 29th April 2015: Bridging the Gap: Epigraphy of Merchandize and its Legal Perspective.
  51. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. University of Valencia seminar, 16th December 2014: La Recepción del Derecho Romano en la Europa Medieval
  52. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. XVII Congreso Iberoamericano de Derecho Romano, University of Bologna. 26th March 2015: Evitar la Norma y Contraer Obligaciones. El Plebiscito Claudiano y el Comercio Marítimo Durante la República
  53. Mataix Ferrándiz, E. XXII Convergno Internazionale dell’Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana, Spello, Perugia, Italy. 27th June 2015: Riflessioni sull’ Utilizzazione dell’ Acqua Potabile nella Tarda Antichita.
  54. Moreno Escobar, M.C. and Wheatley, D.: International Conference Las villas romanas de la Bética, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 10th June, 2014: De Puntos, Columnas y Necrópolis: Análisis Especial de las Villas Romanas de Andalucía. Resultados Preliminares.
  55. Moreno Escobar, M.C.: Archaeological Association of the Algarve, Lagoa and Sao Bras, Portugal, 3rd March, 2015: Understanding Landscapes, Cities and Ports of the Roman Algarve: New Insights and Approaches.
  56. Moreno Escobar, M.C.: Deutsch-Iberischer Workshop Wirtschaftskrise, Strukturwandel und Migration im frühen Europa, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany and the Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, Spain. 28th May, 2015: Territories of Conquest in Baetica: Applications of Archaeological Spatial Analysis within the Romanisation Debate.
  57. Moreno Escobar, M.C.: Roman Archaeology Conference, La Sapienza, Rome, 17th March 2016: A Balance of Differences and Similarities: A GIS Approach to Territories of Baetica
  58. Pirson, F. & Laufer, E. Akteure und Mobilität in Hafenorten & Hafenorte und Mikroregion, German Archaeological Institute (DAI) Istanbul. 15th May 2015: Hafenorte der Pergamenischen Küste – der Kane Regional Harbour Survey
  59. Pirson, F. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantası 37th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys And Archaeometry, Atatürk University, 13th May 2015: Pergamon 2014: Research and Conservation Report
  60. Pirson, F.European Association of Archaeologists 20th Annual Meeting, ITU, Istanbul, 13 September 2014: The Maritime Topography of the Ancient Kane Peninsula:  A Micro-Regional Approach to the Impact of Harbours and Anchorages on Politics, Economy and Communication of a Western Anatolian Landscape.  Kane Regional Harbour Survey
  61. Pirson, F., Kazı Sonuçları Toplantası 38th International Symposium Of Excavations, Surveys And Archaeometry, Trakya University, 25th May 2016: Pergamon 2015 Sezonu Çalışmaları Raporu (Report on the 2015 Surveys in the Surroundings of Pergamon)
  62. Pleuger E., Goiran J.-Ph., Abichou H. and Fagel N., Colloque ATEQ Paléolagunes et Terres Humides Quaternaires des Littoraux Méditerranéens, Tunisie, Hammamet 10-12 April 2014: Evolution des Paléoenvironnements du Delta de la Medjerda.
  63. Pleuger E., Goiran J.-Ph., Delile H., Abichou H. and Fagel N., Belqua 2014 workshop, Bruxelles, 5 March 2014. Geoarchaeology of the Ancient City of Utica (Tunisia) and Evolution of the Medjerda Delta’s Palaeoenvironment.
  64. Salomon F. University of Southampton, SMMPG (Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute), 29th April 2015: Romans Harbours and the Mediterranean Coasts: a Geoarchaeological Perspective. In English.
  65. Salomon F., Festival of Archaeology 2015, University of Southampton, 14th July 2015: Harbours of Rome: Environmental Constraints of the Cities of Ostia and Portus. In English.
  66. Salomon F., University of Oxford Seminar Series, All Souls College, Oxford, 12th June 2015: A New Geo-archaeological Tool for the Study of the Operation of Roman Harbours: the Palaeo-environmental Age Model (PADM chart). In English.
  67. Salomon F., University of Southampton, Archaeology Department Symposium, 20th January 2015: PortusLimen Project: Geoarchaeology of Mediterranean Coastal Landscapes and Roman Harbours. In English.
  68. Salomon, & Bukowiecki, E. Ille Table Ronde : Approches Géoarchéologiques et Paléoenvironnementales de la Gestion des Ressources Hydrauliques dans l’Antiquité, MMSH / HYDRΩMED, Aix-en-Provence. 11th March 2016: Problematiques Géoarcheologiques sur la Gestion de l’Eau dans une Ville d’Embouchure : le Cas d’Ostie à l’Epoque Romaine. In French.
  69. Salomon, International Workshop: Roman Mediterranean Ports and their Context. Correlating Research Methodologies at Baelo Claudia, Universidad de Cádiz, 18th May 2016: From the Analysis of Sediment to the Reconstitution of the Landscape. Geoarchaeological Perspectives on Roman Harbours. In English.
  70. Salomon, , Boetto G., Goiran J.-Ph., Rousse C., Programma “Roma, Tevere Litorale”, Ecole Francaise de Rome, Rome, 15 May 2015: Navigabilité de l’Embouchure du Tibre de l’Antiquité à nos Jours, Il Ruolo delle Via d’Acqua per la Circolazione delle Merci e degli Uomini nelle Regioni dei Delta e delle Foci Urbanizzate. In French.
  71. Salomon, , Bravard J.-P., Journée des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Nantes, France 30th January 2015 Diversité des Dépôts en Milieu Deltaïque et Développement du Diagramme C/M de Passega. In French.
  72. Salomon,, Carayon, N., Keay, S., Arnaud, P. Journées du GIS d’Histoire & Sciences de la Mer, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM), Brest, 26th May 2016 : Adaptation du Port au Milieu et à ses Variations : le Cas des Ports Romains de Méditerranée. In French.
  73. Salomon, , Goiran J.-Ph., Keay S. Colloque Q10 AFEQ CNF-INQUIA 2016: Paléoclimats et Environnements Quaternaires, quoi de Neuf sous le Soleil?, Université de Bordeaux, 16th February 2016. In French. Un ‘Modèle Âge-Profondeur Paléoenvironnemental’ pour comprendre les milieux à sédimentation complexe
  74. Salomon, F., Goiran, J-P., Belotti, P., Djerbi, H., Carbonel, P., Athanassas, C., Oberlin, C. and Keay, S. British Society for Geomorphology Annual Conference, University of Southampton. 7th September 2015. A New Interpretative Diachronic Chart of the Geomorphological Study of Mediterranean Deltas.
  75. Wunderlich, T., Erkul, E., Fediuk, A., Wilken, D., Rabbel, W., Laufer, E., Pirson, F., Colloquium Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages. Harbours as Objects of Interdisciplinary Research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences. Universität zu Kiel. 2nd October 2015: Archaeological Survey and Marine Geophysical Prospection in the Ancient City of Kane, Turkey.