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A reappraisal of the Roman Adriatic ports in their Mediterranean context: a new reading of their scales, scopes and identities.

Portus Limen Seminar Series 19th may 2015 5:00 pm University of Southampton, Sara Champion room, building 65a, Avenue Campus   A reappraisal of the Roman Adriatic ports in their Mediterranean context: a new reading of their scales, scopes and identities. By Federico Ugolini ā€“ King's College London. Classics Department ā€“ Continue reading →

People, ports and networking in the Roman Mediterranean

Details of the Portuslimen workshop in Oxford: People, ports and networking in the Roman Mediterranean Friday, 6th March, All Souls College, 2-6.30 p.m.   Simon Keay: Archaeological Challenges. Pascal Arnaud: Historical and epigraphic challenges.   Nicolas Carayon: Ports and Networks: Narbonne. Carlos Cabrera: The ancient port of Seville. Maxine Anastasi: Pots, islands and networks: Experimenting with network analysis and the small-scale in the central Mediterranean. J. Continue reading →

Topography and urban development of Carthagonova

Portus Limen Seminar Series The 23rd february at the University of Southampton Topography and urban development of Carthagonova: ARQUEOTOPOS Project IP: Sebastian Ramallo Asensio - Murcia University. HAR2011-29330 By Felipe Cerezo Andreo ā€“ Universidad de Murcia ā€“     The ARQUETOPOS project, led by Professor Sebastian Ramallo of the University of Murcia, seeks to study the paleo-topography of the Mediterranean port of Carthago-Nova (Cartagena). Continue reading →

Starting research in literary sources

I joined the Portus-Limen Project only very recently thanks to a PhD studentship. My research involves an analysis of the literary sources, in order to define and precise the terms relating to sea-faring. In this post I will just give an example of the kind of research Iā€™m carrying out, namely from a passage in Strabo. Commenting anything from such a well-known author in such little space as a blog post is difficult, please excuse me for any gross simplifications. In Strabo, 3.4. Continue reading →

International Conference:Ā Roman Port Societies through the evidence of inscriptions

The British School at Rome 29th and 30th January 2015 Organized by Pascal Arnaud and Simon Keay as part of the ERC Advanced Grant funded Romeā€™s Mediterranean Ports Project in conjunction with the British School at Rome Draft Programme Thursday 29th January 2015 9.00-9.05 Introduction and Welcome: Professor Christopher Smith (Director of the BSR) 9.05-9.20 The Portuslimen Project: Simon Keay (BSR and Southampton) 9.20-9. Continue reading →

Spatial Technologies in Archaeology

I am an archaeologist specialised in the Roman world and in Computer Applications in Archaeology, specifically in the use of Geographic Information Systems and Statistics for spatial analysis and in Digital Archives. I graduated in History (specialisations of Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology) by the University of Seville (Seville, Spain), and worked as field archaeologist in several places in Spain. Continue reading →

Ancient harbor geoarchaeology

My research arises from the realization that due to silting up process, many Roman harbour basin sites were perfect sedimentary traps that have been in-filled with a range of deposits that are well suited for palaeo-environmental studies. My methodological approach is upon the laboratory-based analysis of sedimentary cores drilled into these ancient basins. Continue reading →

Relating Law and archaeology in search of commercial structures

I have recently (March, 2014) defended my PhD in Roman Law based at the Universities of Valencia, Alicante and Palermo. It focused upon the issue of criminal liability for shipwrecking in the light of the edict De incendio ruina naufragio rate nave expugnata (D. 47, 9, 1), and I have tried to relate legal sources with the archaeological evidence in order to explain the measures provided by the praetorian edict. Continue reading →

The Epigraphy and Iconography of Roman Mediterranean Ports

I wrote my Master's thesis research two years ago, conducted under the supervision of Pascal Arnaud and based at the University of Lyon 2 LumiĆØre. My research focused on the study of the iconography in order to reconstruct port architecture of the Roman period. Through this work, I compiled a corpus of port representations and established a typology of architectural and structural characteristics of Roman port landscapes. Continue reading →

Multidisciplinary approach on ancient ports studies

Iā€™am Nicolas Carayon, Iā€™am French and Iā€™ve just integrated the team of the Portus Limen Project as research fellow. Since my Masters degree at the University of Strasbourg (France), my research looks at the study of ancient Mediterranean harbours, with particular reference to the Phoenician and the Punic periods. I successfully defended a PhD entitled ā€œPhoenicians and Punics ports. Geomorphology and Infrastructuresā€ in 2008. Continue reading →