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Meeting at Pozzuoli (Italy)

Meeting at Pozzuoli (Italy) We are just returning from a very productive meeting in Pozzuoli with Dr. Costanza Gialanella, Dr. Alessandra Benini and Dr. Lucio Amato. We met at the office of the Soprintendenza per I Beni Archeologici di Napoli at Pozzuoli where we were guests of Dr. Costanza Gialanella. She made us feel extremely welcome and we are very grateful to her. Continue reading →

Lagoon archaeology in the Alexandria region, Nile delta, Egypt

Portus Limen Seminar Series 13th october 2015 5:00 pm University of Southampton, Computer Lab, room 3043, building 65a, Avenue Campus   Lagoon archaeology in the Alexandria region, Nile delta, Egypt By Dr. Clément Flaux (Post-doc CNRS, Ecolab, Toulouse University and CEREGE, Aix-Marseille University), with great contributions from : M. el-Assal, W. Chazly, N. Marriner, C. Morhange, V. Pichot, C. Continue reading →

Forthcoming event: International Conference Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences

Forthcoming event: Kiel (Germany) 30th of September – 3rd of October 2015 International Conference Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences Organised by: DFG Priority Programme 1630 „Harbours from the Roman Period to the Middle Ages“   See the program by following the link below: Tagungsprogramm SPP... Continue reading →

Machines in Roman ports’ activities

Machines in Roman ports' activities Recently, I have participated to an international conference about the Vitruvius’ machines (, organised by the University of Caen (France) which specialises in the study of scientific texts, technics and Vitruvius. The researchers from Caen are also working on the 3D reconstruction of machines from antiquity. Through this conference, they proposed an interdisciplinary meeting to discuss recent research on Roman engineering. Continue reading →

An atelier in France

    Around the end of 2014 I received an invitation to present a paper at a workshop organised by the Université d’Artois. This workshop, which takes the form of a series of meetings, deals with the perception of landscapes in ancient textual sources. Its aim is to investigate how did ancient authors face new, previously unfamiliar places and by what means did they describe them (i.e. transmit the information) for the general public who was unable to travel there. Continue reading →

Ports and Geographical Contexts

Details of the Portuslimen workshop in Oxford: Ports and Geographical Contexts Friday 12th June 2015, All Souls College, Wharton Room, 2pm. 2.00-2.20. S. Keay, Approaches to the study of ports and their geographical contexts  2.20-2.40. P. Arnaud, Harbour-design: geographical determinism, geo-politics and economic models  2.40-3.00 N. Purcell, Port-geography and managed landscapes: theory and practice.  3.00-3.20 F. Continue reading →

Trip to western Turkey

We are just returning from a very stimulating and productive trip to western Turkey, where we have met several of our project partners. Between the 28th April and the 2nd May, we were guests of Dr. Felix Pirson Director of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut and Director of the Pergamon Excavation, and Dr. Sabine Ladstätter Director of the Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut (OAI) and the OAI project at Ephesos. Continue reading →